Friday, January 13, 2006

Driving, and being driven.

I love driving my car! I love to see the road stretching out ahead in front. It's a great feeling to have control over this huge piece of machinery and technology and make it go somewhere. To feel the power of acceleration!
When horses and coaches and wagons ruled the roads, did the drivers feel the same exhilaration? Did they want to go faster?
Sometimes when I'm driving , I just want to turn down a road I haven't been on before and see where it takes me. Will my car get there, can I negotiate the unknown twists and turns safely! A sense of adventure seems to overtake me somehow.

I became a driving instructor at one stage of my life. I wanted to teach others to feel the freedom too.

Sometimes we are our cars!

1 comment:

timm said...

now ma'am, you recall where this kind of madness can lead? remember mr. toad? and all the problems that cars caused him? step away from the car lest stoats and weasels invade your house!